VitaRilla have joined forces with local Jamaican Maroon foragers to harvest and import the worlds finest wild Sarsaparilla.
Our wildcrafted Sarsaparilla root is foraged by hand in the foothills of the Jamaican blue mountain range, it is then sun dried for a period of 2 weeks before shipment.
Various strains of Sarsaparilla (Smilax Regelii/Ornata) have been consumed worldwide for centuries.
The immune boosting, antibiotic, cancer fighting, antioxidant properties of the Sarsaparilla root (Smilax) have been known for over a millennia.
It's unique flavour & great taste has made Jamaican Sarsaparilla famous worldwide. Popularised in 19th Century U.SA, Jamaican Sarsaparilla drinks were a favourite amongst the cowboys and pioneers of the wild west. During the prohibition & temperance periods Sarsaparila gained renewed fame due to its unique and refreshing flavour. People worldwide still enjoy Sarsaparilla in root beer, cocktails, ice creams and more!
Studies have shown that at high doses, Sarsaparilla root can slow tumor growth and even kill cancer cells.
Sarsaparilla is particularly successful at attacking colon cancer cells.
Consumption of Sarsaparilla can help alleviate numerous ailments such as;
Joint/Arthritis/Gout Pain (Anti Inflammatory )
Muscle Pain
High Blood Pressure
Hormonal Imbalance (Estrogen Blocker)
Menopause Symptoms
Low Sperm Count
Decreased Sex Drive
Skin Conditions
Alzheimer's / Parkinson's Disease
Sarsaparilla is Used in Chinese medicine to treat the symptoms of;
Lyme Disease